PROGRAMS OF Dr Santosh Machale

Multiple Intelligence Development Program

Mid brain development program

Extra Sensory Perception Program

Super Quantum Speed Reading

Memory techniques problem

Study Champion Program

Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test

Whole Brain Development Program

Photographic Memory Program

Art of Parenting skills Program

Personality Development Program

Psychromatric Test and Career Councelling

Signature analysis and Councelling

NLP Program for students and Parents

Vedic Maths (9yrs and above)

career counselling

Dr Santosh Machale

Dr Santosh Machale Dr Santosh Machale is one of the BEST LIFE DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES SCHOOL in Ichalkaranji City. (Dist:Kolhapur in Maharashtra State). Shree Educations Dr Santosh Machale started its journey in Brain Development field from 2011. Shree Education Academy is Certified Academy which is Headed by - Mrs Padmashri Sameer Chougule (Founder ). Dr Santosh Machale is the Best platform for the Students as we have designed different Programs in Offline and Online.Very useful to the Parents to understand the Brain Functions and their Child to make Smart Parenting. At present Dr Santosh Machale developed more than 15 Courses and are rendered in both Online and offline. Dr Santosh Machale is also contributing its Service for Nation by helping Rural area students by providing our Online Programs in FREE OF COST to Rural area Scholar Students who are Economically unsound.So that our Brain Development Programs helps student to reduce the stress of Education and Make a Brain Multi - Talented!! and build strong foundation of our New Generation for growth Mind Set, So that they can Excel in the life Unstoppable. Within Short span of time Dr Santosh Machale gained Appreciation in the Ichalkaranji City and Society for its Quality Service and Customer Satisfaction. We at Transformation @180 degree Unveiling the power of Human brain and Use it for transforming life.We are providing Quality Memory and Mind Education at affordable price with global presence by making the student Brain Multi- Talented !!!